Chison EBIT 60
The Chison EBIT 60 is a popular new portable shared service ultrasound machine. The Ebit 60 provides the most affordable, high quality portable ultrasound. The EBit 60 is powerful, high quality cardiovascular ultrasound with a very competitive price.
The EBit 60 includes popular features such as Compound Imaging, Speckle Reduction Imaging, Auto IMT, Automatic Image Optimization, easy connectivity, easy image saving and excellent workflow features.
Applications: General Abdominal, O&G, MSK, Vascular, Physio, Urology, Cardiology, etc
15” LED HD Tilting Screen with 2 Probe Connectors
Rechargeable battery – 2 Hrs
FHI - Innovative harmonic imaging technology based on the patient’s size and weight, allowing you to maintain image resolution when imaging larger patients. Better than THI & phased harmonic which compromise penetration.
Q-Image - Innovative algorithms strengthen the image enhancement results significantly & ensure faster frame rates.
Q-beam - Improving on the traditional dual-beam former on most ultrasound machines, the Ebit 30 uses quad-beam technology. Doubles the volume of signals received, increasing image resolution and generating more accurate images. Produces higher frame rates, better diagnostic confidence & efficiency, especially for moving organs.
Virtual HD - The latest innovation in Real-Time 4D with powerful imaging engine. With a moveable virtual light source
Elastography - Displays tissue stiffness in real time to provide additional diagnostic information when scanning organs such as the liver and breast.
Standard Configuration
EBit 60 standard configuration includes:
Main unit with 15" high resolution LED monitor+2 probe connectors + Battery
500G hard disk and 4 USB ports
B, 2B, 4B, B/M, B/BC, CFM, PW, Power Doppler/Directional PD,
Instant Triplex, Duplex, Trapezoidal, Chroma B&M&PW
Full Screen Mode
Automatic PW trace and measurement
"Super Image module: Multiple Compound Imaging, SRA (Speckle Reduction), FHI, X-contrast, Q-beam, Q-flow"
Q-Image (intelligent image optimization)
Measurement & calculation software packages: General, OB&GYN, Cardiac, etc
Carry Case
Trolley - Height Adjustable (3 levels)
Foot Switch
2D steer
Super Needle
4D License
Virtual HD
Extended Cardiac Package: ECG Software, CW, Free Steering M, Color M, TDI
ECG Lead
Water Resistant Keyboard Cover
Probe Options
C3-E 3.5 MHz Convex probe
MC3-E 3.0 MHz Micro-Convex probe
MC5-E 5.0 MHz Pediatric Micro-Convex probe
MC6-E 6.0 MHz Pediatric Micro-convex probe
L7-E 4.0-15.0 MHz Linear probe
L7-ES 7.5MHz Linear probe L7-ES
L12-E 7.0-18.0 MHz Linear probe
V6-E 6.0 MHz Trans-vaginal probe
V7-E 7.5 MHz Trans-vaginal probe
V4-EV 4.5MHz Volume probe V4-EV
L7R-E 4.0-15.0 MHz Transrectal probe
Warranty: 24 months, Optional: 3 years, 5 years
TGA Registered: Yes
For more information and to confirm specifications, please contact us to request a brochure.